Berlin’s Citizens’ Registration Offices – little concrete and much too slow

View of the Citizens' Registration Office in Neukölln's Blaschkowallee.  Larissa Hoppe says: Berlin's administration is lagging behind the reality of life

View of the Citizens’ Registration Office in Neukölln’s Blaschkowallee. Larissa Hoppe says: Berlin’s administration is lagging behind the reality of life Photo: Christian Lohse / Wolf Lux / BZ assembly

By Larissa Hoppe

Berlin’s Citizens’ Registration Offices should become more digital and faster when it comes to appointments. A comment from Larissa Hoppe, deputy BZ editor-in-chief.

Berlin’s citizen offices. Months of waiting for an appointment. Then sitting around in the waiting room for hours. annoying!

But now everything is supposed to be faster and more digital. At least promises Berlin’s Governing Mayor Franziska Giffey (SPD), who came to the Citizens’ Registration Office on Wednesday and banged the campaign drum. A 14-day target has been proclaimed for appointments. Huuiii…

But if you look more closely at the plans, you can see the old problems. There are many considerations, little concrete. When should the two-week appointments work? End of the year!

So Berlin needs at least eleven more months to perhaps be able to offer what is standard elsewhere.

Until then, the hot tip will continue to be: Reload the online calendar in a continuous loop and click through until you’re lucky and get a hit. For me, however, that ignores the reality of people’s lives.

The administration – it’s too sluggish for this fast-paced city. It’s time for her to compete again. From 2023 then.


citizen office
