Berliners no longer wanted at ITB

The ITB only takes place for trade visitors;  BZ editor Sara Orlos Fernandes comments

The ITB only takes place for trade visitors; BZ editor Sara Orlos Fernandes comments Photo: Messe Berlin/BZ assembly

By Sara Orlos Fernandes

Due to the corona pandemic, the popular ITB travel fair has not taken place at the exhibition center for three years in a row. But now that the travel mood is flaring up again for many, the big disappointment comes.

The ITB only takes place for trade visitors. A piece of Berlin history comes to an end.

For many, the trade fair was the place of longing where Berlin felt like a vacation. A piece of the colorful world in gray times is what many could use right now.

As in many other places, money is also the reason for the savings here. There should be an alternative in December. But the original has been abolished.

Messe Berlin has simply rationalized away the holiday dreams of Berliners.


