Berliners enjoy spring at the zoo

Panda pair dance and capybara waltz to the seal solo. Bright sunshine and spring-like air not only lured the animals outside on Saturday, but also hundreds of visitors to the zoo.

And they could see that we humans are not the only ones looking forward to spring. From monkeys to zebras, almost all zoo residents enjoyed their outdoor enclosures.

The seals basking in the sun (Photo: Olaf Wagner)

While the group of meerkats let the sun shine on their stomachs and the baby baboon went for a ride on its mother, the pandas amused Pit and Paule with sluggish bear acrobatics. The capybaras played a waltz on the floor to the solo singing of the seal.

Pit and Paule obviously had fun too (Photo: Olaf Wagner)
Pit and Paule obviously had fun too (Photo: Olaf Wagner)

With temperatures between 10 and 13 degrees, the zoo and animal park are again expecting many large and small guests on Sunday.

Mama baboon is of course not alone at the start of the new season, her baby is always there (Photo: Olaf Wagner)
Mama baboon is of course not alone at the start of the new season, her baby is always there (Photo: Olaf Wagner)

Tip: If you book your tickets online in advance, you can avoid standing in line.
