Berliner wins Florist World Cup

The florist Nicolaus Peters makes a bouquet of different flowers.  He is the best florist in Germany - and soon also in the world?

The florist Nicolaus Peters makes a bouquet of different flowers Photo: Jens Kalaene/dpa

From BZ/dpa

The whole flower world thinks this man is fragrant!

The Berlin florist Nicolaus Peters has won the World Floristry Championship in England. The 54-year-old convinced the jury and spectators with his “impressive creativity, his technical skill and his passion for artistic floristry,” the Fleurop company announced on Sunday. His ability to harmoniously combine colors, shapes and textures earned him first place in the competition on Saturday.

“I am overwhelmed by this victory and feel honored to have represented Germany on the international stage,” said Peters. He is proud that his work can touch people all over the world.

First place is worth 15,000 pounds (around 17,500 euros). According to the information, Peters is only the second German to take first place at the World Championships.

Not a flower shop, but…

Peters became German floristry champion in 2008. He doesn’t have a flower shop where you could spontaneously pick up a bouquet for your mother-in-law. He works differently: he supplies his customers directly from the workshop in his home in Schöneberg.

According to the organizers, 20 countries were represented at the world championship for the best florists in Manchester – the title contenders came primarily from Europe and Asia, but also from Colombia and Canada.


Flower Florist World Championship
