Berliner Justice Mvemba wants to clarify as Miss Germany

By Sabine Klier

Marathon runner, city guide, model: Justice Mvemba (31) from Mitte now wants to become Miss Germany! She has already made it into the top 20 in the election.

She speaks Baden (!), French, English and Lingala – a Bantu language. Because Justice was born in Congo and moved to Germany when he was one year old. In addition to her business administration studies, she worked in the fashion industry, worked for start-ups and modeled for Nike, among others.

In addition to studying business administration, she worked as a model, including for Nike.  Last year she ran her first Berlin marathon

In addition to studying business administration, she worked as a model, including for Nike. Last year she ran her first Berlin marathon Photo: Private

But then she wanted to do her own thing, as she says. During a city tour seven years ago in the African Quarter in Wedding, she learned more about German colonial history – and got involved in the topic.

Mvemba: “I never heard about it at school. Today I know that the colonial past still shapes our society.” In the meantime, educating about colonial history has become an affair of the heart for her. She offers city tours and also guides visitors through the Humboldt Forum.

In the Miss Germany elections, she applied primarily to promote her project “‘ to make it better known. For three years now, the selection of the most beautiful has not only been about looks, but about women who want to make a difference.

“I want the Miss Germany crown and the sash because I want to use the prize money to offer free tours for school classes,” she says.

She was born in the Congo and explains the German colonial history in Africa on city tours in Berlin

She was born in the Congo and explains the German colonial history in Africa on city tours in Berlin Photo: Visit Berlin

Justice is not only mentally fit, she also trains her stamina regularly: “Last year I ran the Berlin marathon for the first time. And on February 17th I’ll be taking part in the half marathon in Barcelona.”

But first she wants to make it to the semi-finals of the Miss Germany election at Europa-Park Rust on February 9th. The audience can watch and vote live via the online channel Twitch.
