Berlin stands on Israel’s side

From Hildburg Bruns

They have the same opinion! The CDU, SPD, Greens and Left made it clear in parliament: BERLIN STANDS ON THE SIDE OF ISRAEL!

The path to the joint resolution, however, was a detour: First everyone wanted to submit a joint motion, but then the CDU no longer voted with the Left. So there were identical motions from the coalition (CDU, SPD) and opposition (Greens, Left) – in the end, everyone only raised their hands once in the first vote.

But the content is much more important: “The terror of Hamas cannot be justified by anything and must be stopped immediately,” it says in the decision. The planned ban on activities for Hamas and hate groups like Samidoun is welcomed.

The MPs’ message: “As the German capital, we have a diverse, flourishing Jewish life, for which we are very grateful and which is an integral part of our city. We protect and support this. Violence should never again be inflicted on Jews, promoted or celebrated from Berlin soil.”

In his government statement, Berlin’s ruler Kai Wegner (51, CDU) condemned expressions of sympathy for Hamas and hatred against Israel in the capital, calling them a disgrace.

Wegner: “It is a shame that we have to experience anti-Semitism and hate speech on our streets. That people gather together and give free rein to their hatred of Israel and Jews, that violence is inflicted on Jews – whether verbal, psychological or physical.”

The ruler also recalled parallels in Berlin’s history: “It cannot be ignored when Stars of David are smeared on houses or incendiary devices are thrown at a synagogue. Berlin must not be a place of fear for Jews.”

Green party leader Bettina Jarasch (54) emphasized: “Israel’s right to exist is German reason of state: Are we actually clear about what this sentence means? Israel must exist so that Jews all over the world know that they have their own state that welcomes them and is able to protect them.”

The AfD abstained from voting on the resolution.
