Berlin prays for Israel

Ambassador Ron Prosor and Rabbi Yehuda Teichtal Monday evening in the Wilmersdorf Synagogue

Ambassador Ron Prosor and Rabbi Yehuda Teichtal Monday evening in the Wilmersdorf Synagogue Photo: Olaf Selchow

By Pia Fredebeul

Solidarity with the victims of terror. Numerous Berlin Jews and supporters of the community gathered in the synagogue of the Jewish Community Chabad Berlin on Monday evening. For a prayer of remembrance and solidarity for Israel.

Rabbi Yehuda Teichtal emphasized at the beginning: “We stand together with our brothers and sisters in Israel!” Berlin’s mayor Kai Wegner also found moving words: “Jewish life is an asset for our city, Jewish life is a blessing and also an obligation for us our city. Israel can be assured of our full solidarity and support. And of course this also includes the right to self-defense.”

Also there: Berlin's ruler Kai Wegner (CDU), the rabbi Yehuda Teichtal and the Bundestag member Petra Pau (left)

Also there: Berlin’s ruler Kai Wegner (CDU, left to right), the Rabbi Yehuda Teichtal and the Bundestag Vice President Petra Pau (left) Photo: Olaf Selchow

The guest of honor that evening was the Ambassador of the State of Israel, Ron Prosor. He demanded: “We need this support tomorrow and the day after!”

Among the participants were the President of the Central Council of Jews in Germany Josef Schuster, Berlin Police Chief Barbara Slowik, the Vice President of the German Bundestag Petra Pau and the CEO of Berlin’s University Hospital Heyo Kroemer.


Israel Jewish Community Kai Wegner War against Israel
