Berlin police immediately investigated Böhmermann’s ad

The satirist Jan Böhmermann (ZDF Magazin Royal) (archive image)

The satirist Jan Böhmermann (ZDF Magazin Royal) (archive image) Photo: Rolf Vennenbernd / dpa

From BZ/dpa

The satirist Jan Böhmermann also turned to the Berlin police for a country comparison on the work of investigative authorities. Section 55 in Neukölln received good marks from the Böhmermann team for handling its seven reports of real hate comments.

In August 2021 in Berlin, as in all other federal states, editors of the program “ZDF Magazin Royale” simultaneously and personally reported identical and real hate comments on the Internet to a police station. Result: According to the editorial team, in some countries the investigation was slow and in some not at all.

The Berlin police accepted all seven reports and opened criminal investigations on the same day, a police spokesman said on Saturday when asked. The procedures were carried out by the police state protection. By April 13 of this year, five cases had been handed over to the Attorney General’s Office for further decision. In the other two cases, state security was still being investigated at the time. He did not have any more recent information, the police spokesman said.

The editors of Böhmermann’s program wrote on a website set up specifically for the country comparison that the Berlin public prosecutor’s office or other public prosecutor’s offices commissioned by them had stopped investigating in the five cases in question; in three of these cases no suspect was found. The status of the information is given as April/May 2022. Information from the police or the public prosecutor’s office was not available on Saturday.

Böhmermann said in his program on Friday evening that the Berlin police are still investigating in another case, although the alleged perpetrator had already been convicted in Baden-Württemberg in November 2021.

However, the Berlin police received good marks from the Böhmermann team for recording the reports that were filed in Section 55 in Neukölln. There is a thumbs-up symbol on the website for all three criteria “awareness of criminal liability”, dealing with the ZDF correspondent or the correspondent at the police station and “professional approach”.


Report Berlin police hate crime Jan Böhmermann ZDF
