Berlin police ask people not to celebrate naked

“A request that we didn’t think we’d have to cancel,” tweeted the Berlin police on Saturday afternoon (08 July) as part of the Rave the Planet demonstration in Berlin-Tiergarten. Apparently, some participants are particularly liberal, which could bother some ravers. The law enforcement officers on site say: “Please do not undress on #ravetheplanet. Participants have complained to us.”

Rave the Planet: Train station closed – participants have to move out of the way

Around 1,000 officials are deployed at the event, which was approved at short notice. The rave will continue until 10 p.m. under the motto “Music is the answer” around the Brandenburg Gate and Straße des 17. Juni. 300,000 participants are expected, but there could be many more later, which could lead to a premature end. “If you are still on your way to #Ravetheplanet, please only use the entrances south of June 17th. In the west, our colleagues have closed all access options due to capacity utilization,” the police said. The occupancy rate at the Brandenburg Gate is already very high. “The station is therefore closed to be on the safe side, the trains of the S-Bahn and BVG no longer stop there. Please get off one stop before or after.” A helicopter is also used to observe the situation from the air.

According to current information, around 130,000 people are on site at Rave the Planet despite the extreme temperatures. It’s peaceful. “The mood is exuberant, so it can stay like that,” said the interim report of the police.
