Berlin Police Academy has roof damage

By Axel Lier

The police also have problems with the water masses that the storms bring over Berlin. At the beginning of the week, the police academy was hit, as the video of an eyewitness shows.

The recordings clearly show water running out of the ceiling from several places. As a makeshift, the employees have placed large rubbish bins under the leaks – but nothing stays dry. “It’s all running in the basement,” says one employee – obviously the shooting range underneath is meant.

Benjamin Jendro, spokesman for the police union (GdP): “We have long wanted another swimming pool for our offspring, but more for the students of the HWR in Friedrichsfelde.”

The police were only able to confirm the water ingress on Wednesday when asked by the BZ. A spokeswoman: “Yes, there was water damage on the police premises at Charlottenburger Chaussee 67.”

It is about the entrance area of ​​the sports hall, offices, classroom, group work room and training rooms.

Furthermore, water damage was found in the basement areas of the police premises at Radelandstrasse 21 (Spandau) and Ruppiner Chaussee 268 (Tegel). The responsible Berliner Immobilienmanagement-GmbH (BIM) was informed about the damage. The areas are not locked.

GdP spokesman Jendro: “The rain has once again clearly shown the gaps, so that everyone can see why we are pointing to a two-billion-euro renovation backlog.” When looking at House 4 of the police academy, you must react immediately, as training and further education are made possible must.

The water is on the tiles of the police academy

The water is on the tiles of the police academy Photo: screenshot / private

“It’s also about preventing serious consequences for the building fabric and the equipment located there, since shooting training is carried out in the basement, among other things,” says Jendro.
