Berlin online shop “Susable” offers sustainable products

By Isabel Pancake

Making cheese or tofu by hand, squeezing juice and baking bread – all in the spirit of sustainability. The Berlin online shop “Susable” has things to do with DIY.

“We want to manufacture products that offer added value,” says manager Christina Tzouvalidou (35) from Köpenick.

Among the approximately 25 products in the online shop there is a straining cloth.

Christina Tzouvalidou (35) from

Christina Tzouvalidou (35) from “Susable” Photo: susable

“You can use it to make plant-based drinks, but also cheese,” says Tzouvalidou. The water can be squeezed out of the soy milk product with a tofu press: “Then there is more room for oils and spices.”

Soon also in the store

The shop only opened last April and even has employees in China. Tzouvalidou: “We are always on site on the plantations and know exactly where the bamboo for our products comes from. We also check there how the material quality, what the working conditions are like and whether everything is FSC-certified (Seal for more sustainable forest management, the Red.) is.”

Tofu gets a nice bite when pressed and takes on flavors more easily

Tofu gets a nice bite when pressed and takes on flavors more easily Photo: susable

Soon the beautiful things will also find their way into Berlin shops. “Susable” has an eye on unpackaged shops, for example.

The straining cloth (10.95 euros), the tofu press (35.95 euros) and many other products such as washable make-up removal pads (14.99 euros) are available
