Berlin lawyer Dagmar Kabirski (39) – strong woman in court

By Anne Losensky

She is a woman – many of her clients are men. Billionaire scammers in pinstripes (339 days of trial). Gangsta rapper (“Dealer44”). Big crooks, petty egg thieves. Lawyer Dagmar Kabirski (39) is washed with all waters.

In the case of vermin attacks in court, the Berliner sometimes opens her umbrella. She advises women: “Be your own icon!” BZ author Anne Losensky spoke to her about “women in court”.

BZ: From woman to woman: what do you advise women to do in court?

Dagmar Kabirski: Be tough! Listen to your intuition! Don’t act too emotionally! Because too much feeling impairs the logical mind and the accessibility for constructive criticism.

Do women become criminals differently than men?

There is a striking difference between men and women when it comes to violent crimes such as murder and manslaughter, aggravated robbery and sexual offences. Few of these are committed by women. According to statistics, women mostly commit crimes such as fraud, theft, embezzlement and insults.

Are women easier victims than men?

That’s a cliché. But women are more likely to internalize aggression, suppress it, or direct it against themselves. Men direct their aggression more outwards, attacking other people primarily physically. However, this cannot be generalized. Today there are many models of how women live being women and how men live their role.

Does being a woman bring advantages or disadvantages in court?

It depends on the position in which the woman is represented in court. As soon as a woman is listed as an accused, judges are more likely to develop a certain sympathy. However, this is probably only due to the fact that women do not shy away from disclosing emotionally affected motives, experiences and adventures. For example, a woman who has experienced violence at the hands of her husband and has become a criminal herself as a result of this experience will always tell the court what she experienced. For a man, such a situation would be rather embarrassing. A man would rather not reveal that he has experienced violence at the hands of a woman, because that does not fit into the image of masculinity that men obviously still have of themselves and women of them.

What are the effects of higher quotas of women among lawyers, public prosecutors and judges?

Women seem to tend to resolve conflicts differently than men. They question the motives and their immanent experiences more. I also think that women work a little more meticulously. Due to the influence of the so-called female feeling in law and a mix of experiences and influences of men and women in these professions, life circumstances can be viewed and evaluated in a more differentiated way, which leads to better results.

What do you think of the statement: “Women stand up for themselves”?

If you mean that women are weaker than men or that men are superior to women, that is nonsense.

Her worst woman case in court?

An adolescent female who became a drug addict after losing both parents to the wrong friends and bad company. She was dealing with acquisitive crime. The process was a rollercoaster of emotions. She then came into assisted living and did a proper withdrawal. Although she atoned for her crimes, she was given the chance to put her life in order. She did it!

What are strong women for you?

Cleopatra, Frida Kahlo, Joan of Arc, my mom… All strong and unique. Every woman should be a kind of icon for herself, and her own inspiration. This includes a healthy sense of self, courage, self-confidence, self-confidence and the critical examination of one’s own behavior.
