Berlin is turning the price screw for electricity

BZ editor Sara Orlos Fernandes comments on the rising electricity prices in Berlin

BZ editor Sara Orlos Fernandes comments on the rising electricity prices in Berlin Photo: picture alliance / PantherMedia/BZ

By Sara Orlos Fernandes

Next price shock for Berliners! After the increases in gas and rent, higher electricity costs are now to follow. And the Senate is indirectly involved in the price screw. A comment from BZ editor Sara Orlos Fernandes.

At least Vattenfall, the basic supplier in Berlin, has indicated, among other things, the increase in electricity network fees for the renewed price increase.

The power grid now belongs to the city again. Cost of the buyback: over two billion euros from the city treasury. Why is a national company also driving prices up? Without the fee increase, the increases by the electricity providers would certainly have been more moderate.

And another state-owned company is taking part. The Berliner Stadtwerke, which cost us taxpayers 200 million euros, almost doubled their prices at the turn of the year. It was probably not intended that way.


Energy costs electricity network Electricity price winter
