Berlin gets no-knife zones in crime hotspots

From Hildburg Bruns

Intense 25 days negotiated black-red. Result: CDU & SPD agreed on more than 1000 measures in their coalition agreement “The best for Berlin” (135 pages).

When it comes to safety, the planned no-knife zones stand out. Knife bans should apply in crime-prone locations (including Alex, Warsaw Bridge, Görlitzer Park).

Because: By mid-March alone, there had already been 635 stab attacks in Berlin. Video cameras should also be able to be used at the current seven crime foci so that people feel safer.

“The new coalition is behind the police,” assured future governing mayor Kai Wegner (50, CDU), who will take over from Franziska Giffey (44, SPD) in just over three weeks. The police will be increased by 1000 additional forces (including the fire brigade).

What else Black-Red wants to create with the new government pact for Berlin:

Pop-up Crosswalk

Temporary pedestrian crossings, especially on school routes, should bridge until they are permanently marked.

Wobbly tram

Three route plans are again being put to the test: Alex to Potsdamer Platz, Warschauer Strasse to Hermannplatz, extension to the south of Blankenburg. The plans for Mahlsdorf +++ Turmstraße/Jungfernheide +++ Weißensee/S-Bhf. Pankow +++ Jungfernheide/Tegel.

Kai Wegner (CDU), Chairman of the CDU Berlin

On April 27, Kai Wegner (50, CDU) is to be elected Governing Mayor by the House of Representatives. For him, climate protection is a top issue. The top priority in the Senate Chancellery should be the digitization of the administration and an end to the confusion of competences Photo: Christian Lohse


The A100 section from Neukölln to Treptow is completed. There is no mention of an extension (section 17) across the Spree. Ultimately, the federal government decides. And: 2000 charging points/year for e-vehicles are to be set up. Fast-charging stations at petrol stations have priority.

high schools

There is no probationary year or MSA exam for high school. There should be a new aptitude test.

Compulsory daycare year

If language deficits are found in the obligatory test in children who are not in day-care, they must attend a day-care center one year before school begins (“Kita-Chancenjahr”).

Franziska Giffey (SPD), Governing Mayor of Berlin

“I’m glad we did it that way,” said Franziska Giffey (44). After the election defeat, she and her SPD steered towards a new coalition course – away from red-green-red towards black-red. In this constellation, she remains the deputy post Photo: Christian Lohse

Apprentice fee

2000 additional training places are to be created in two years – otherwise the companies face the risk of having to pay a levy. Mandatory internships will also be introduced in 9/10. classes of all types of schools.

climate pot

First of all, Berlin is pumping 5 billion credit euros into the energetic refurbishment of buildings, energy production (including geothermal energy), mobility (expansion of rail, cycle highways).

Stefan Evers, General Secretary of the CDU Berlin

CDU General Stefan Evers (43) criticizes that Berlin loses too much time by delaying decisions and disputes about responsibilities. “We help make Berlin a little bit better every day. That runs through the coalition agreement!” Photo: Christian Lohse

Tempelhof field

An international competition is intended to explore the careful peripheral development with apartments and social facilities – but Berliners will be asked about it. Overall, the target of 20,000 new apartments/year remains. A new inspection body is to check compliance with the rental price brake.

mini pinwheels

Berlin has to set aside 0.5 percent of its area for wind power – this is to be achieved by small wind turbines on high-rise buildings. Photovoltaic systems should be made easier in parking lots in front of supermarkets.

police helicopter

Berlin currently shares a Eurocopter with the Federal Police in Ahrensfelde. The purchase of a private helicopter is being examined. The purchase of an extinguishing robot, which was leased in August when Grunewald was still burning in Lower Saxony, is already certain. Also: nationwide bodycams (also for the fire brigade, public order offices), more Taser weapons.

Raed Saleh, chairman of the SPD Berlin

Co-party leader Raed Saleh (45, SPD) has the affordable city in his sights. He emphasizes that the school fees for social assistants and contributions for master craftsman training will no longer apply. Black and Red is also looking for support in Parliament for lowering the voting age to 16 Photo: Christian Lohse

Watering Reward

Storms, heat and drought are decimating the street tree population, which is expected to grow again from 430,000 to half a million. It is checked with the water companies whether the pouring is honored by citizens.

Hertha Stadium

The construction of a pure football stadium (45,000 seats) is supported – so far without a specific location in the Olympic Park.

water fun

The outdoor pool in Pankow will be supplemented by an indoor pool, Mariendorf will at least be renovated and a combination pool will be built in Marzahn-Hellersdorf. The Spandau water polo arena is also coming. Children without a swimming certificate (3rd class) should make up for it in intensive courses.

RBB salary cap

Salaries are to be limited and published for executives at the scandalous fee-paying broadcaster.

Kiev partnership

Not only Tel Aviv is to become Berlin’s new partner city, but also the Ukrainian capital Kiev. So far, Berlin has 17 metropolitan alliances.
