Berlin commemorates the start of the construction of the Wall 61 years ago

Wall commemorating Giffey

Franziska Giffey (SPD, rl), Governing Mayor of Berlin, Axel Klausmeier, Director of the Berlin Wall Foundation, and Dennis Buchner (SPD), President of the Berlin House of Representatives, at the former Wall Photo: Fabian Sommer/dpa

From BZ

The construction of the Wall began 61 years ago, which not only divided Germany and Berlin, but also cost the lives of hundreds of people. Wreaths were also laid in memory of the victims this year.

“These moments always move me. These people died for freedom, for democracy. All of this is hard to imagine today – especially for the younger generation,” says Berlin’s Governing Mayor Franziska Giffey (44, SPD).

Visiting the memorial on Zimmerstrasse, the place where Peter Fechter was murdered 60 years ago while attempting to escape, is particularly important to her. Because “individual fates like that of Peter Fechter make the story and the terrible suffering understandable. Remembering the SED dictatorship is just as important as coming to terms with National Socialism,” says Giffey.


Berlin Wall Franziska Giffey Berlin Wall Memorial
