Berlin CDU is 100 percent committed to black and red

By Stephen Peter

The enthusiasm for black and red is significantly greater in the CDU than in the SPD! On Monday, the Union voted on the coalition agreement at a state party conference. No dissenting votes, no abstentions – 100 percent agreement!

The SPD had already voted on it on Sunday – with a meager 54.3 percent. On Monday, the CDU invited to an extraordinary party conference on the EUREF campus (Berlin-Schoeneberg). While the soon-to-be ruler Kai Wegner (50) spoke for almost an hour, the 275 delegates had no need to speak: Not a single word to speak on the debate on the coalition agreement!

Perhaps the delegates were weary from snacking—two large complimentary buffets were set up in the hall with a dozen varieties of cakes, tarts, and muffins.

Election winner Wegner beamed: “Look what we can achieve if we are a united force!” When he announced his candidacy at the same place in November, the euphoria was still restrained. “There weren’t many who believed that we could really succeed.”

Kai Wegner (50) brings the CDU back to the executive chair in the Red City Hall after a 22-year absence

Kai Wegner (50) brings the CDU back to the executive chair in the Red City Hall after a 22-year absence
Photo: Fabian Matzerath

He doesn’t particularly care about the weak Yes of the Socialists to the coalition agreement: “The majority is the majority,” says Wegner. The SPD would thus have laid the foundation for reliable cooperation. “Berlin will get a new, better government,” he promised.

Wegner fended off criticism from the Left, Greens and parts of the SPD: “The CDU in Berlin is modern, diverse, we can surprise, we have humor. We can do big city!”

Digital and mobile citizen registration offices should at least alleviate the official frustration of Berliners. “Service desire, no frustration with the authorities,” Wegner gave as the motto. When it comes to traffic, there should be a move away from green car hatred: “Everyone should be able to move through Berlin as they wish.” The CDU is doing climate protection and not against the Berliners.

The speech was well received by the delegates – a standing ovation for Wegner.

Criticism of the Union’s “yes” to black and red comes from the liberals. FDP country chief Christoph Meyer etches: “A coalition agreement peppered with subjunctive, own positions sold cheaply and central questions of our society remain unanswered.” That’s not what “the best for Berlin” looks like. “With the CDU and SPD, it seems that the focus is on political standstill,” said Meyer.
