Berlin and Paris seek talks with Beijing on the war in Ukraine

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POISSY (dpa-AFX) – In the diplomatic efforts to end the war in Ukraine, Germany and France are seeking exchanges with China. A talk between Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD), French President Emmanuel Macron and the Chinese head of state Xi Jinping is planned for Tuesday, as Macron announced on Monday evening at an election campaign event in Poissy near Paris.

China is considered a strategic partner of Moscow. On Monday it strengthened the neighboring country. “No matter how treacherous the international storm, China and Russia will uphold their strategic resolve and advance comprehensive cooperative partnership in the new era,” Foreign Minister Wang Yi said. The relationship between the countries is “one of the most important bilateral relationships in the world”.

Macron said Russia does not like being isolated, citing China’s voting record at the United Nations. China managed to abstain from voting on a resolution condemning Russia’s war against Ukraine last week./rbo/DP/he
