Berlin: Aldo Grasso’s review of the TV series on Netflix

Type: detective, drama
Direction: Esther Martínez Lobato and Álex Pina. With Pedro Alonso, Michelle Jenner, Tristán Ulloa, Begoña Vargas, Juli Peña, Joel Sánchez, Samantha Siqueiros. On Netflix

From “The Crown 6” to “Berlin”: 10 series not to be missed in December

Remember Andrés de Fonollosa, alias Berlin? He was one of the members of the now famous banda de The paper housethe Spanish series that became a global success thanks to Netflix. Berlin was one of the charismatic members of the gang, but left the scene at the end of the second seasonkilled in a firefight.

Well, the character was so successful and loved that it was featured several times in various flashbacks over the course of the following seasons and now becomes the protagonist of a dedicated spin-off. Berlin works as a prequel to the series and tells some events that take place chronologically many years before the events of The paper house.

The protagonists of the TV series “Berlin” (photo by Tamara Arranz / Netflix).

The events take place in Paris and not in Spain; Berlin decides to organize an ambitious robbery by bringing together buddies from old gangs; the members are all experts in specific sectors and all dedicated to the leader’s initiatives.

In the most classic of mechanisms of heist movie (the films and series that tell the story of robbery plans), the series lingers on the details of the preparation, risking being a clumsy copy of the most famous title from which it is based.

Pedro Alonso returns as Andrés de Fonollosa (photo by Tamara Arranz / Netflix).

Among the characters there are also two women from The paper house, police officers Raquel Murillo and Alicia Serra. For fans of the symbolic universe of a successful series and for those who love action scenes without too many pretensions to reality.

