Berget Lewis refuses questions about fighting colleague Glennis Grace

Berget Lewis eagerly uses the Shownieuws camera to promote two concerts with the Ladies of Soul, but then refuses to answer questions about colleague Glennis Grace.

© SBS 6, RTL

It seems that the celebrities nowadays apply to become persona non grata. Glennis Grace was already unpopular, but is already completely vomited after her fight in the Jumbo. After a long coronalockdown, she was supposed to perform again next month, but The Harbor Club immediately threw her out of the concert agenda.

Berget in front of the camera

However, Glennis Grace has not yet been kicked out of the Ladies of Soul, the vocal formation she forms with Berget Lewis, Candy Dulfer and Edsilia Rombley. The ladies have two evenings planned in the Ziggo Dome for September and those plans have not changed for the time being.

Berget was interviewed by Shownieuws yesterday because of some program on SBS 6. “Did we ask Berget about ehhh…?” Albert Verlinde asked after the item.

Trampling Berget

Presenter Airen Mylene: “No, Berget has only responded that she herself is eager to perform with the Ladies of Soul.”

Berget about the two Ziggo Dome concerts: “We are going to perform again in September. Two concerts, as it looks now. And ehhh yes, I’m really looking forward to it.”

Keep quiet about Glennis

If Berget takes the opportunity to promote those Ladies of Soul concerts, surely she can also answer some questions about her discredited colleague Glennis Grace? No she does not.

Evert San Credits: “We did indeed ask her about a colleague who was discredited last Friday at the local Jumbo. But Berget has indicated that he does not want to make any statements about that at all.”

Agreed to meet

The Ladies of Soul ladies are silent as the grave about their colleague who misbehaved to such an extent that she and her 15-year-old son spent three nights in jail.

Evert: “That also seems to have been agreed upon with all the ‘ladies’, because they keep a little aloof. In any case, as long as the investigation is still ongoing and as long as it is not yet clear what exactly happened there.”
