Bergen op Zoom receives 85 refugees, safety guaranteed

The municipality of Bergen op Zoom also wants to contribute to better spreading refugees across our country. Following the example of various other municipalities in Brabant, it will receive 85 refugees. An emergency location will be set up for this in the Stoelemat, which used to be a powder magazine, but has been used as an event hall for years.

The first residents of this temporary shelter on Westersingel will arrive on 28 August. They will stay there until October 1. The Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA) determines which people will come.

The emergency shelter consists of beds, sanitary facilities and food. Refugees are also helped when they need health care. The municipality also states that all measures are being taken to ensure that the reception is safe and without nuisance. For example, there is day and night security.

All municipalities in the Netherlands have received an urgent appeal to cooperate in temporary crisis emergency shelter. In West Brabant, Woensdrecht and Bergen op Zoom are responding to this. Earlier, municipalities such as Best, Breda, Den Bosch, Heeze-Leende, Land van Cuijk, Tilburg and Waalre also presented themselves as hospitable.


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