Beppe Savoldi: all about “Mister two billion” who made Naples dream

In the summer of 1975, the passage of one of the most prolific bombers of the time from the rossoblùs to the Neapolitans caused a stir. An operation that also had strong implications from a political point of view

Non the summer of 1975 Mister Due Billiardi actually cost Napoli 1440 million, plus all Clerici, plus the co-ownership of Rampanti, plus a load of controversies, scandals, poisons and even a parliamentary question. Just that year in his home in Via Paolo Fabbri 43 in Bologna – Cirenaica district, between San Donato and San Vitale – Francesco Guccini writes that the moralists have not yet closed the bars – “and morals have closed your hearts and extinguished the your ardors” – so they still have a few cartridges to fire against the most coveted center forward in the entire Serie A, better paid and therefore more exposed to the offence.
