Bensebaini-Lager confirms talks with BVB

Gladbach left-back Ramy Bensebaini’s contract expires next summer. No wonder the 27-year-old, who is in top form, is in demand across Europe. There is also interest within the Bundesliga, Borussia Dortmund is said to have kept an eye on Algiers. The Bensebaini camp has now confirmed the rumors about BVB.

Ramy Bensebaini has not only been one of the top performers at Borussia Mönchengladbach since this season. The left defender is valued on the Lower Rhine just as much for his defensive skills as for his offensive actions. The Algerian has already scored five goals and is one of the best-rated left-backs in the league (3.29) in the specialist magazine “kicker”.

But the defender’s contract expires in June 2023, a circumstance that has drawn numerous clubs onto the scene. First and foremost BVB, as has recently been repeatedly said in various media reports. And apparently there is something to the speculation about an interest from Dortmund, who needs the back left because Raphael Guerreiro could leave the club.

“I can confirm that there are talks with BVB,” Bensebaini’s agent Jaspal Singh Gill revealed to “Sport1”. However, the black and yellow Borussia is not alone in advertising and probably not in pole position. “But there are also talks with other international clubs,” said the agent.

“No agreement yet” from Bensebaini with interested parties

In addition to BVB, there have recently been rumors of a possible transfer to Manchester City, Juventus Turin or Inter Milan, as the TV station reports.

“Ramy is a player who is interesting for many clubs and fits in everywhere,” Gill emphasized the Algerian’s assets, but added: “At the moment we are not facing any agreement with any club.”

It is still open whether Bensebaini will continue in Gladbach, where an extension would be conceivable, or somewhere else. “Ramy has not yet made a final decision for himself,” emphasized his advisor. “He wants to have a good rest of the season and be there for the team and the club. We’ll see what happens in the summer.”

“Sky” recently reported that Bensebaini Gladbach’s sports director Roland Virkus had already announced that he would not be extending.
