Benjamin Franklin’s 5 Hour Method – Successful people still follow this concept today

With continuity to success

“Practice makes perfect” is a famous German proverb that schoolchildren, musicians, athletes and even academics are well aware of. Learning something new, be it knowledge or a skill, requires a high level of commitment and perseverance. The majority of people follow the motto “a lot helps a lot” and try to make great progress within the shortest possible time.

But it is precisely this mentality that prevents most people from achieving sustainable results. If you are looking for long-term and constant success, you should give up the idea of ​​working irregularly for ten or more hours towards your goal. Because some of the most successful people in the world have one thing in common when it comes to their own further education: They continuously work on their skills.

Bill Gates, Elon Musk and Warren Buffett – to name just a few examples – use the 5-hour rule in their own individual way.

The 5 hour rule

Benjamin Franklin is considered the ‘inventor’ of the 5-hour rule. This concept catapulted him from school dropout at the age of ten to successful inventor, businessman and founding father of the USA.

Throughout his life, Franklin is said to have worked intensively on a subject for one hour every day from Monday to Friday without exception, so that he had at least five intensive study hours at the end of each week. A relatively simple and obvious method, which in principle anyone can use.

Franklin followed the same pattern every day, waking up early to read and write. In the course of this, he set himself personal goals and noted the results that were already visible. In addition, he founded a kind of club in which like-minded people could exchange experiences and opinions in order to be able to develop further personally, but also to enrich society.

In addition, Franklin put his ideas into practice in the form of experiments. Finally, in the evening, he reflected on what he had experienced and formulated related questions that had to be answered the following day.

This method can be used by anyone

In principle, the idea of ​​this concept is extremely simple: you deal with the respective facts regularly, intensively and consciously. The same applies to improving certain skills in sports or making music.

Even if the 5-hour rule takes a certain amount of time and requires discipline, it can be seen as a long-term investment in personal development.

In order for this method to fit into everyday life, free spaces must first be created, which can then be filled with reading, discussions and further training. Accordingly, the learning-intensive time should be well planned, the learning objective and the methodology to be used should be defined. Afterwards you should question what you have learned. On the one hand it helps to process the information, on the other hand errors can be discovered.

Henry Ely / Editor

Image sources: Ivan Kruk /, fotohunter /
