Benfica: Title in Champions League for Roger Schmidt “of course possible”

Quote from robstar

Very good answer with the probability. It is exactly like that.
Porto wasn’t a CL title candidate with Mourinho either and then they became one.

Benfica are on a very good run with the coach.

He could suddenly be offered the coaching chair by Real. With Ancelotti will
it will probably end in the summer. The championship will probably go to Barcelona
and Ancelotti is drawn to the Brazilian N11.
If then a few kilometers further an internationally come around
coach makes his team overperform, he’s likely to become one
can become candidates. Doesn’t mean he will, but a likelihood
would be there.

Either way, Schmidt’s next stop will be at a top club. In which league you can not
say. His previous stations show that he is not fixed – such as
a Klopp who wants to be able to speak the language of the country.

I’m glad that there are now a few internationally recognized ones in Germany
coach can show. England and top European clubs have had German players for decades
Coach ignored – although otherwise all nationalities were represented.
Now it has become interesting and you often look into the new appointments
Bundesliga (or regional league representation to Dortmund).

Well, I wouldn’t say that the top clubs ignored German coaches for decades. With Schuster and Heynckes, Real Madrid already had two German coaches. Barca signed Udo Lattek back in the 80s.
You’re right about England, of course, but I would also see the language as a problem here. When I think of the generation of my grandparents (born in the 1930s), I realize that in this generation (i.e. the one that provided most of the trainers in the 60s, 70s and 80s) hardly anyone spoke English, or if then a few chunks. Of course, it was also because it was hardly taught, since there were other things that were more important, especially in the working class. Even my parents’ generation (born in the late 50s, early 60s) still has much worse English than people speak today. Then of course it is much more difficult to coach an English club properly.
Nowadays, on the other hand, it is simply a basic requirement in many areas that you can speak English, if you want to do your Abitur, then you have already learned English for 10-11 years. Therefore, it is of course now much easier to get jobs in English-speaking countries than it was 20-30 years ago. Football is no exception.
