Ben Zyskowicz’s future in parliament still unclear

The longest-serving member of this parliament, Ben Zyskowicz, is thinking about his future in politics.

Ben Zyskowicz photographed in 2021. Tiina Somerpuro

MP Ben Zyskowicz, 68, has previously spoken publicly about his headaches, which he has suffered from for the past 25 years. He told Iltalehte about his intentions to end his political career due to headaches already in 2020.

– I haven’t made the final decision, but with these prospects, I’m ending this season, Zyskowicz, who has been in politics for more than 40 years, said in 2020.

Now the member of parliament tells in the new In an interview with Kotiliesi magazine, that a decision on the continuation has not yet been made. The next parliamentary elections will be held in the spring of 2023. He plans to make a final decision by November.


Zyskowicz says in an interview that they have been trying to find the reason for the headache for 25 years in vain. Pain has been tried to be treated in various ways over the years, among other things.

– My body had learned to react to pressure with anxiety symptoms. When the drugs then blocked this way from my body, a new channel was found for migraine headaches. I presented this theory to the doctor and he said it was possible.

During the last few years, Zyskowicz also suffered from depression.

– When you have a headache every damn day, it’s no wonder that it affects your mood and joy in life, tells Kotiliede.

Zyskowicz tells Kotiliede that if he ends up ending his political career, he will become a full-time grandfather to his grandchildren. Zyskowicz’s future plans do not include, for example, writing a dissertation or positions of trust. He wants to continue life only as Seiden, i.e. grandfather.

Zyskowicz has served as an MP of the coalition since 1979.

Ben Zyskowicz in an interview with Iltalehti in 2019.
