Belly in sight or shirts? Just choose with a smile

Antonella Baccaro (photo by Carlo Furgeri Gilbert).

Plet’s talk about serious things – one of the most assiduous readers calls me to order under the jaguar sun -: many of my friends, because of their belly, only wear very loose clothes, with the effect of looking like bags. I, on the other hand, continue to wear tight-fitting shirts, because I prefer to see the bacon, but maybe also the waist and breasts. Who’s wrong?

Neurology teaches us that if you wear baggy clothes, the beholder’s brain thinks you fill them all. How do you regulate yourself?

Here we are catapulted into one of the dilemmas of the summer typical of the over: over in size, but also over 50, because it is at this age that certain shapes become granitically resistant to diets and massages that are not performed seriously.

Swollen belly in menopause: what to do to run for cover

And here I would say that at least two schools of thought confront each other. The first is the one that refers to neuroscience and yields to the need to appear to others: I dress “to give you the impression that”.

Those who follow this “religion” do not set limits and do everything to dissemble, cover, hide, but not based on what they see in the mirror. Those who are haunted by other people’s thoughts cannot really see themselves in the mirror.

What he has in front of him is a model taken from the judgments of others which often, let’s face it, are not sincere. How many times do we flatter a friend who is a little down in the mood by relying on the certain result of a compliment on clothing: “This Greek tunic looks great on you”. Subtitle: “Greek, like a column. Precisely”.

Free yourself from obsessing over what other people think it is an exercise that can start from clothing to arrive at much more significant peaks of autonomy. That’s why we talk about it here, among friends, to make the effort to look at ourselves in that mirror and not at what someone says they see.

And then bacon in sight ok, if that’s what makes you feel good. Fitted shirt, too, if you like to highlight your bust. And so with the sack dresses which in summer allow for a good circulation of air.

What matters is to accompany everything with a smile which, as the timeless Audrey Hepburn would say, is always the most beautiful accessory a woman can wear.

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All articles by Antonella Baccaro

