Bellas Artes Bar: Glamor and luxury gastronomy in Recoleta

The Bellas Artes Bar gourmet complex is a place created and led by Diego Diaz Varela that visitors cannot miss, located in the National Museum of Fine Arts, a work by the architect César Janello, one of the greatest exponents of national design .

The iconic space of the city of Buenos Aires, located in La Recoleta, Bellas Artes Bar, has shown since its opening to offer high quality gastronomy with an extensive and innovative range of dishes. It is a distinguished concept created and directed by businessman Diego Díaz Varela and which has received the best reviews from connoisseurs and experts.

This is how Díaz Varela, a successful graduate in design and with training in the business and business field, has developed and implemented his academic skills and abilities in the implementation of this new and successful proposal in which there are three different spaces: The Hardware Bar; Eatery, Trapizzino Shop and Colette Caffetteria located in the strategic area of ​​the City of Buenos Aires next to the emblematic National Museum of Fine Arts.

This unique space promoted by this talented businessman managed to unite gastronomy and art in a single concept where each space has a unique proposal so that its visitors can live the experience they want, according to their preferences and needs.

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“The direct application of what I studied, which is design and business, is the brand value that I give to all the projects that I do, I focus on building the brand, its evolution and the good perception of people both in networks and in the experience when they come and the communication that we develop, that is the work and added value that I generate in the places that I promote”.

In this way, this renowned businessman imposed a new concept, in which art is present to make a difference in gourmet gastronomy that mixes good dishes, accompanied by an atmosphere impregnated with good taste. “Bellas Artes Bar makes a difference, not only for its privileged location but also for having 3 different proposals for all audiences, opening from 9am to 4am on weekends”, said the famous businessman, promoter of this new space.

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He explained that in this distinguished establishment the exclusive dishes of the museum stand out, such as the Agnolottis a la Bellas Artes and the cocktails created in honor of renowned plastic artists, to provide a unique experience to all lovers of gastronomy and art.

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This eminent establishment is internationally recognized, which has won the preference of the public for offering an excellent and original gastronomy with which the ancient Italian traditions are evoked, coupled with the fact that it has a privileged location within the Museum of Fine Arts, which which constitutes the differentiating element to enjoy a unique and unrepeatable experience, just as Díaz Varela devised.

by Daniel Posada

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