Belgium and the Netherlands to cooperate more in the field of safety and energy transition | news item

News item | 19-04-2022 | 18:00

During a joint government meeting in Ghent, the Belgian and Dutch governments made agreements today to work more closely together in the field of safety, sustainability and cross-border cooperation. The Belgian-Dutch government consultations illustrate the particularly close bond between the Netherlands and Belgium and the will of both countries to work together at European and international level.

It is the 4th time that the Belgian and Dutch governments have held an extensive joint government consultation. The Thalassa consultation owes its name to the ship where the consultations first took place in 2003.

Enhanced military cooperation

This 4th edition takes place against the background of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The Belgian and Dutch governments are of the opinion that the new European security situation requires even closer security cooperation, both between our countries, within Europe and with our allies within NATO.

Today, defense cooperation between Belgium and the Netherlands is already very close, for example in the field of special forces, the integrated navy and joint airspace surveillance. For Belgium and the Netherlands, this cooperation model should be the stepping stone towards closer European defense cooperation. For example, both countries want to expand the joint development and purchase of new frigates, reconnaissance drones and mine countermeasures vessels to other European countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are also joining forces in the field of cybersecurity and will make joint efforts to increase their resilience to hybrid warfare, including countering organized disinformation campaigns, often launched from abroad. Both countries also share the intention to scrutinize the foreign financing of various forms of extremism.

Partners in Europe

These events have made it all the more clear to us that the Union is a community of values ​​with a high level of prosperity and protection in which people look out for each other and show solidarity with each other. In the Benelux context, Belgium and the Netherlands are making unabated efforts to protect the rule of law and the fundamental values ​​of the Union.

An important compass for our countries in the coming period are the extensive civil dialogues that took place in the context of the Conference on the Future of Europe last year. These Citizens’ Dialogues clearly indicated what our citizens expect from Europe. They want European cooperation to focus primarily on the major common interests and demand more transparency and insight into European decisions and how they came about. The EU should also engage in more frequent and preferably permanent dialogue with citizens. It is not only important that different interests are taken into account, but also that decisions are reached more quickly.

Belgium and the Netherlands remain committed to establishing the truth, justice and accountability for the 298 victims of the downing of flight MH17 and their relatives, in particular as partners within the Joint Investigation Team

Our countries are committed to counteracting impunity for the Russian invasion. Perpetrators of war crimes and other crimes in Ukraine will be held accountable. It is vital to investigate violations of human rights and humanitarian law of war, and to gather evidence for use in future trials. Our countries support the investigation of the International Criminal Court and the UN Human Rights Council established Commission of Inquiry. These traces play a key role in gathering evidence.

Joint approach to drug crime

In order to tackle the import of drugs and drug-related crime, Belgium and the Netherlands want both their judicial and police services to cooperate even more closely. A multidisciplinary approach is central to this: from prevention and administrative enforcement to investigation, conviction and tackling criminal assets. The ports of Antwerp and Rotterdam are also encouraged to intensify their cooperation in this area.

In the course of 2022, a new Benelux treaty for police cooperation will also come into effect. This treaty and the further implementation agreements will give an important boost to the exchange of information between Dutch and Belgian police services.

Renewable and affordable energy

The Netherlands and Belgium jointly expressed their determination to be pioneers on the road to a sustainable and just energy transition, in which no one is left behind and the affordability of energy for families and companies is central. An accelerated energy transition also strengthens our strategic autonomy and makes us less dependent on foreign countries, especially on Russia.

As knowledge-intensive economies, Belgium and the Netherlands want to further accelerate the energy transition to renewable energy by developing new technologies, such as energy production from hydrogen and carbon capture and storage. There is also a shared ambition to make buildings more energy efficient. Electrifying energy demand for both buildings and transport is one of the key levers in tackling climate change.

Jobs and economic frontrunners

Belgium and the Netherlands will also coordinate their national plans for the roll-out of hydrogen infrastructure, including the need for transnational infrastructure. As high-tech regions, the Netherlands and Belgium realize that the energy transition is an important opportunity for new jobs and strengthening the industrial base in order to remain economic leaders in Europe. The ports of the Scheldt-Maas delta are a powerful lever to realize this sustainability turnaround.
