Belgians are the worst illegal parkers in Europe | Domestic

The Belgian regularly ignores the parking rules. One in four motorists in our country admits to sometimes parking on the cycle path. One in eight also occasionally parks in a parking space for people with disabilities. This makes us the worst student in Europe. “Strict verbalization is the only remedy.”

After the annual European survey by the Fondation Vinci Autoroutes, Belgium ends up in an unenviable top position in Europe. No fewer than 24% of Belgian drivers indicate that they sometimes stop or park on a cycle path. None of the ten other countries surveyed in Europe scored so high. Moreover, we are doing even worse than last year, when 21% of drivers in our country admitted to sometimes blocking the cycle path with their car.

“There is only one way to make motorists aware that they must leave the cycle path free and that is strict enforcement,” responds Wies Callens of the Cyclists’ Union. “The police of Brussels Capital-Ixelles proved that. Under the impetus of the bicycle council, the decision was made to effectively fine all cars and vans if they are on the cycle path. This is a second-degree offense because you are not only hindering cyclists, but also endangering them. You force cyclists to move onto the road, between traffic at a higher speed. The fine is 116 euros. This policy was introduced even before corona, and now you see that the vans are on the roadway and no longer on the cycle path when loading and unloading.”

In the survey, one in eight Belgian drivers said they occasionally park in a parking space for people with disabilities. “Both infringements show reprehensible behavior, but this is distressing,” responds Stef Wimmels of Vias institute. “People used to say: If you take his place, take over his disability. People who are allowed to park here need it to get to their destination. The parking spaces are wider so that they can safely leave their vehicle. Taking these places unfairly can put them in danger if they have to park in a ‘normal’ place. This is also an offense of the second degree.”
