Belgian Prince Laurent before the police judge | royals

Against sudpress King Philippe’s younger brother says that he has not used the car in question for years. “I drove a twenty-year-old old-timer. A Porsche. It had been twelve years since I had ridden it. It had been in a garage for twelve years. I wanted to fix it (inspection certificate, ed.),” says Laurent. “The police thought I had been driving it for ten years without going to the technical inspection. But I never get out of it.”

The Belgian prince sees it with confidence and has not hired a lawyer. “This story is so simple. I don’t see why I should be represented,” he says.

In most cases, someone gets off with a fine. If it turns out that the inspection certificate had already expired or that this has happened before, the penalty may be higher. Then the fine can be up to 80,000 euros or a prison sentence between eight days and three months can be imposed.

Initially, the case was already on the agenda for March 4, but it was postponed at the request of the prince.
