Belgian onderzoekers vinden intestinal bacteria the mogelijk verloop van MS kunnen voorspellen | Wetenschap

Leuvense en Brusselse otherzoekers zijn erin geslaagd intestinal bacteria te identificeren die mogelijk het verloop van de zenuwziekte multiple sclerosis (MS) kan voorspellen. This is what the Vlaams Instituut voor Biotechnologie (VIB) has declared.

Multiple sclerosis is a zenuwziekte waarvan de exacte oorzaak nog steeds onbekend is. Patients will have to deal with the damage and will have to pay for it. This can cause symptoms such as vermoeidheid, moeilijker wandelen, spasticity, poor performance and more. In Belgium there are 13,500 people with MS, and around 400 new diagnoses.

Het verloop van de ziekte shifts erg patient per patient. The long-lasting effect of the action before the spelling appears in the door and in the uitdaging. The method used to describe the moments, such as MRI scans, can easily be noticed before writing. Onderzoekers zijn daarom al long op zoek naar mannerieren om de prognoses te bebeteren.

Verstorord microbioome

There is a link between MS and a different microbiome, which contains bacteria and other micro-organisms in the same area, which is a long time from other cultures. The studies aim at a real grandson at a moment in time. The new study suggests that MS patients will be treated for a long time, and the conclusions will also allow for a longer term.

The onderzoeksteam, with wetenschappers from the VIB-KU Leuven Center for Microbiology, the Department of Neurology from VUB/UZ Brussel and the National MS Center in Melsbroek, followed by 111 MS patients aged 4.4 years. Doorheen the tijd verzamelde het team op regelde tijdstippen stalen van hun stoelgang, en deden ze neurological tests, zoals wandeltesten en handvaardigheidtesten. Zoe condense onderzoekers nagaan de symptoms van de ziekte stable bleven of verergerden.

The result of the study was 41 percent of the patients’ significant symptoms. Bij 43.6 percent of the patient of the group was the ‘Bacteroiden 2 enterotype’ (Bact2) found in the stale of the stoelgang. This is a specific seed representation of intestinal bacteria which is an indication for a damaged microbiome. In the group of MS patients whose symptoms are stable, Bact2 is only tested at 16.1 percent.

The operation of the study can never be considered as a causal association, and the effect of the disease is on the worsening of the MS symptoms. Dead here is grandson bewezen that the two seeds vaak voorkomen.

“Beautiful results”

Omdat de aanwezigheid van Bact2 bij de patiënten over de jaren heen relatively stable bleef, cannen the intestinal bacteria helpen om te vorspellen hoe de zenuwziekte zal evolueren. “The maakt de results are well-beloved, even though they have been validated in a larger group,” says professor Jeroen Raes (VIB-KU Leuven Center for Microbiology).

“The implications of this on the other hand are extremely important,” says professor Marie D’Hooghe (VUB/UZ Brussel). “We now have new insights into complex relationships between the immune system, the intestinal microbiome and the central nervous system. When we first see patients with symptoms that are too severe in the loop of the years, then we can adjust the treatment in the current stadium.”
