Belgian Cardiological League once again urges Belgians to exercise more | Inland

With the ‘Please stand up & move’ campaign, the Belgian Cardiological League calls on all Belgians to increase their physical activity between 25 April and 6 May. Our sedentary lifestyle leads to health problems.

“Lack of exercise is one of the deadliest risk factors in the world,” the Cardiology League emphasized in a press release on Wednesday. For example, physical inactivity is associated with a 24 percent increase in risk for fatal cardiovascular disease, 16 percent for stroke and 42 percent for diabetes.

According to the WHO, 4-5 million deaths per year could be avoided if the population followed a better physical lifestyle. There is also too little movement in our country. Data from the FPS Public Health shows that less than three in ten Belgians get enough exercise.

It is the fourth edition of the free ‘Please stand up & move’ campaign. It includes sports lessons for everyone, daily body stretching sessions and simple tricks to move more. Currently, almost 17,000 Belgians have already registered.
