Belgen received overheden 5.5 or 10 for COVID-19 Inland

Belgen has had various changes in its country, with a score of 5.5 or 10 before the COVID-19 outbreak. This is based on the KU Leuven and UCLouvain reports on the basis of the European Social Survey. With the score from the state of Belgium on the eighth place of 28 European countries.

The European Social Survey surveys the European population over the pandemic over the corona crisis in China. He will be tracked according to standards in various domains: economic steun, ondersteuning van gezinnen met kinderen, beleid naar ouderen in woonzorgcentra toe, enzovoort. Also the factors that someone’s knowledge can be taken into account. 1,341 willekeurig selectedeerde Belgen gaven hun mening over the COVID-beleid van once overheden.

Met 6.9 op 10 scoort de national gezondheidszorg the hoogst in Belgium. The large print on zorgverleners and high sterftecijfers in the woonzorgcentra is in the lowest score: 4.7 on 10. Vlaminen zijn iets meer tevreden over het beleid dan Waalse burgers.

Other Europese land

The average tevredenheidscore is about 5.5. Netherlands scored 5.6 and Germany 5.1. “Het lijkt alsof de overheden ‘met de hooken over de sloot’ geslaagd zijn, maar voor tevredenheid met beleid is the score niet zo bad,” says professor Bart Meuleman (KU Leuven-Centrum voor Sociological Onderzoek). “Ok in vergelijking with other Europeanse landen en onze buurlanden is the resultaat behoorlijk.”

Iceland and Norway have a top score of 6.7 and 10. Bulgaria and Poland have a lower score of 4.

Verschil younger en ouderen

Ongeveer 20 percent from Belgium was hit economically by the corona crisis. Toch is this group with income dungeon never lesser tevreden over the aanpak in ons land. “We can hereuit afleiden the financial management rules of the regeringen de mensen goed hebben othersteund,” says Meuleman.

It was a different option and should be noted as a rekening will be housed with a leeft. Young people felt sorry for a better score in their own eyes. It is important to have access to social contacts, online onderwijs en quarantinemaatregelen het biggest effect hadden op hun dagelijkse leven, stellen de onderzoekers.

The most important factor in the score is important, the policy is vertrouwen te zijn. People who wear high heels in state settings receive a 3-point higher score in comparison with people who wear high heels. The word is also great for people who also have the integrity of the trekkers in Twijfel.

Politiek vertrouwen is essentieel om publieke goedkeuring te krijgen voor maatregelen die de vrijheid van mensen inperken

Bart Meuleman, KU Leuven-Centrum for Sociological Onderzoek

People overtuigingen and ideas

Burgers are based on the requirements of people who overlook ideas and ideas, but also in objective criteria about the effectiveness of the regulations, the on-the-jobbers. The general knowledge of politics plays a greater role in politics.

“The most relevant conclusion that we hereit can meet against the insults makers is the policy vertrouwen essentieel is om publieke goedkeuring te krijgen voor maatregelen die de vrijheid van mensen inperken,” says Professor Meuleman.
