Beleggers are suing Netflix for misleading information over a number of subscriptions | economy

Netflix has misleading declarations about the number of subscriptions that have been granted. This is documented by the het beursgenoteerde streaming platform for the law in the American state of California.

With the expected results of the fourth quarter of 2021, Netflix shows that the new subscriptions will not be oversched. In the three maanden he was maar 8.3 million in plaats van de verwachte 8.5 million bijgekomen. The streaming platform for the future is toen for less recent use of the building in the first quarter of that year, but it will be up to 2.5 minutes in the future.

Netflix announced in April because it had a net 200,000 subscriptions that were lost in the period. Het bedrijf verwees daarvoor naar de zowat 100 miljoen accounts that have been gedeeld, de great concurrentie van other streaming services and de oorlog in Oekraïne (waardoor 700,000 betalenden Russians away many; nvdr). The next trading day will be Netflix at a rate of 35 percent.

Beleggers in de VS will nu een groepsvordering start tegen Netflix omdat ze vinden dat het platform hen in het eerste kwartaal misleid heeft met betrekking tot het aantal subscriptions. Ze serving daarvoor documents in bij de districtsrechtbank in Noord-Californië.
