Beijing Express 2023 free-to-air on TV8: pairs in the competition and stages

dAfter the debut on Sky Uno, Beijing Express 2023 comes clear on TV8. The first episode airs tonight at 21.30. For its tenth edition, the adventure game by Banijay Italia moves to Asia, across the way to India. A journey of 8,000 kilometres, through three countries all to be discovered. I am India, Malaysian Borneo and Cambodia. The first stop is Mumbai. The last, the archaeological site of Angkor, one of the most important and visited in the world.

Beijing Express 2023: here are the couples in the competition

Beijing Express 2023the stages of the first episode

In each episode, each couple can rely on a rather meager equipment. The backpack and 1 euro per day per person in local currency. Often not enough to face the pitfalls of the game. Starting with the moves. In fact, in each stage, travelers must find a way to reach the various meeting places or the intermediate stages that lead to the finish line. And to do so, they are forced to hitchhike and sometimes improbable journeys.

Furthermore, they are called to solve riddles and to exercise their memory. All in a language unknown to them. Further difficulty, then, comes from the considerable physical efforts, which sometimes also cause physical injuries. A real natural selection at the end of which the strongest couple will winmore tenacious, more resistant to unexpected events, but also luckier.

The Adventure of Beijing Express 2023 starts from the port of Mumbai. After the ritual greetings, the travelers enter the market. From here on they face a series of riddles and tests, which will lead them to Satara, where the finish line of the first episode is set.

The cast of “Beijing express 2023”. (Sky)

The 10 pairs in the race and the conductors Costantino della Gherardesca and Enzo Miccio

The cast of Beijing Express 2023 it is made up of 10 pairs, one fiercer than the other. Joe Bastianich and Andrea Belfiore are The Italian Americans. To unite them, food and music. Dario Vergassola and his daughter Caterina are The Hypochondriacswhile Miss Italy 2019 Carolina Stramare and Barbara Prezia are The Mediterraneans.

Space, then, for sportsmen. Salvatore Schillaci and Barbara Lombardo are the Sicilianswhile the Olympic champion Federica Pellegrini and her husband Matteo Giunta form the newly wed couple. In the end, Mother and son – or Martina Colombari and Achille Costacurta – and the educated Maria Rosa Petolicchio and Andrea Di Pieroalready in the cast of the Rai 2 reality show The college. They complete Giorgia Soleri and Federippi, renamed The activists, and Alessandra Demichelis and Lara Picardi, or The lawyers.

At the management, however, there are Costantino della Gherardesca and Enzo Miccio. The unprecedented pairing comes after the experiment in the previous edition, or when Costantino was forced to take a period of forced rest following an injury. A winning bet, which this season turns into a real novelty.

Costantino della Gherardesca and Enzo Miccio, conductors of “Beijing Express 2023”. (Sky)

Beijing Express 2023the tests

In addition to having to immerse yourself in the reality of the countries, from time to time the travelers have to overcome different obstacles. Here, then, are the various tests. Among all, the immunity test. The first couple to reach the intermediate goal benefits. It cannot be eliminated at the end of the bet and can also give opponents a penalty, slowing down their progress.

Furthermore, receives a bonus, which allows you to benefit from special treatmentfrom a short stay in a spa to a local cooking class.

Also worth noting the black envelope. It is awarded at the start of the stage to the winning couple of the previous episode. Once they have reached the final finish line, the handler opens the envelope and informs the couple at risk of elimination whether the stage is elimination or not.

