Behind the scenes of Marcelo Tinelli’s pass from El Trece to America

After a 2022 in which he did not meet his expectations, Marcelo Tinelli leave the screen The Thirteen after 17 years to disembark at America as driver and manager. For the channel that is owned by Daniel Vila, José Luis Manzano and Claudio BelocopittIt is a significant economic bet. But if successful, it would allow them to validate the $58 million it’s valued at and eventually get new bidders: Over the summer, Marcelo Fígoli, owner of Alpha Media, bid with Gustavo Scaglione, owner of La Capital de Rosariofor the share package shared by Vila and Manzano (the other half of Grupo América belongs to Belocopitt, owner of Swiss Medical).


Also during the summer, and after rejecting both offers, it was cooked in Punta del Este the landing of Tinelli, whom El Trece had already partially discarded: at the end of 2022 a cycle of “Sing With Me Now” with Manuel Wirtz as a host, but the show didn’t air and probably never will, now that the channel pass of “El Cabezón” to America.

Tinelli’s debacle in El Trece began according to his analysis in the post pandemic. The return in 2021 after the 2020 stoppage was with “dancers all with a mask.” “I did not feel comfortable,” explained the driver of the “Dancing”, who returned in 2022 with a new format. An update that did not work out: “I don’t know if it was the format that made me feel comfortable the most,” added Tinelli.

The discomfort in both cases could be another: a rating that no longer accompanied and eliminated the former pope de la tevé from the global top 5 of air signal programs, but also from the annual podium of El Trece. This is highlighted on the channel that Adrián Suar still manages, who also denies the rumors of resignation.

The most successful in 2022 was the Telefe reality show “Big Brother”, which averaged 19.4 points, followed by “La Voz argentina” with 14.2 and, third “MasterChef Celebrity 3” with 14.1. And in El Trece, Tinelli lost the crown with “El hotel de los famosos”, which averaged 10.5 points, followed by 10.3 in a special from the same series, and by 9.5 in “Los 8 escalones del million”, the hit of Guido Kaczka, the new star of the channel.


Thus, 2022 marked the definitive decline of the divos and divas of TV: Mirtha Legrand had a lukewarm return, Susana Gimenez He barely appeared for a World Cup special, and Moria Casan lasted just over three months in the air of El Nueve with its late night “Moria is Moria”.

Tinelli had a first season of “Canta Conmigo Ahora” with an average of 9.3 points, but the second only reached 6.3. A significant drop compared to the “almost 15 average rating points (of 2019), which went very well for us,” Tinelli said when saying goodbye to El Trece. Numbers that for the Constitución channel are meager, but for America it can be a rescue: according to Ibope, in 2022 the channel ranked fourth in the range from 12 to 24 with 1.6, just one tenth above El Nueve (TV Pública saved the year with the World Cup and was third).


Tinelli is enthusiastic about the possibility of receiving a good flat from Angel De Brito (He will be attached to “LAM” from 10 pm to 12 pm, surely displacing Fer Dente), and then he will be able to comfortably beat El Nueve, who has had a solid prime for years with “Blessed” and his newscast.

America reinforced its mornings and afternoons for some time, with Nicolás Magaldi in “Hey!” and Luis Ventura with María Belén Ludueña in “Invasores de la TV”, which plays in tandem with “Intrusos” by Flor de la V. A scheme that will surely be reinforced with a satellite program of “Bailando”, and a weekly shipment of trips that will lead “El Tirri”, Tinelli’s cousin. A modest programming (some even call it “low cost”) in which the host would be the star, with a “Dancing” that bets on cabotage figures, former participants of “Big Brother” and relatives of the Tinelli clan (see box ), to link with the vintage and family TV that engages the middle class.

For Jorge Rial, a firm detractor of America, it is “a return to the 90s”. “Menem was missing nothing else. I expected from Tinelli a return with something new, to break certain habits that those of us who are already of a certain age and a career have. We stay in certain places of comfort. The ‘Dancing’? The last ones were not good. I expected a break, something. But hey, you have to wait, it’s not an easy place and he knows it. It’s always good that Tinelli is on TV, “Rial evaluated.

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