Behavioral scientists recommend that the Dutch government ban advertising for fast fashion

A remarkable piece of advice: Behavioral scientists at the University of Amsterdam and the University of Amsterdam recommend that the Dutch government ban fast fashion advertising. The advice comes after Climate Minister Rob Jetten was asked to investigate what added value a ban on fossil fuel advertising could bring.

In the context of “fossil advertising,” the scientists focused on advertising for airline tickets and “fast fashion.” The latter is defined by the researchers as fashion chains that circulate constantly changing collections of clothing that do not last very long, the government said on Wednesday.

According to scientists, promoting fossil fuels would undermine climate policy. Not only because the advertising encourages purchases that leave a large carbon footprint, but also because it normalizes behavior that is unsustainable.

“If people mistakenly think that a large majority fly regularly or buy new clothes, this may discourage them from flying or buying less clothes.” However, the researchers also emphasize that it is not enough just to do so Ban fossil fuel advertising. The government also needs to make sustainable behavior cheaper and easier to really motivate people.

Jetten points out that there is currently no legal basis for a ban on fossil fuel advertising. It could conflict with the rights to property and freedom of expression. It also violates EU agreements on the free movement of goods and services, reported the Dutch newspaper Het Parool. Furthermore, there must be a well-defined and well-founded proposal for the ban if it is to be successful.

But such a ban is not only an issue in the Netherlands. There is, among others, the European citizens’ initiative “BanFossilAds”, which advocates a ban and claims to be supported by more than 350,000 people.

This translated and edited article first appeared on
