Begrotingsconclaaf afgelopen voor vandaag: now there are big buttons on the door Economy

The core cabinet of the federal government is responsible for the approval of the federal government. Big political buttons are still under surveillance and have never been opened. Make sure you see something in front of you.

The top of the Vivaldi-regering was this weekend in conclaaf om zich over the opmaak of the begroting for the following year. Op voorhand was al duidelijk that the real policy work will be delivered later this week. On October 10th, the premier was always in the chamber, with a warning, with the planning of the regulation for the last year of the legislature.


The work on the weekend was very technical. Thereby, on the basis of the verslages of the overleg tussen werkgroepen various cijfers are brought into order, zoals opbrengsten and costs of various maatrules. Op basis van dat cijferwerk volgen later de politieke arbitrages. As a result, the regulator agreement of Vivaldi is written for the sanitation work of the rule of 1/3e money: 1/3e debit, 1/3e deductible and 1/3e miscellaneous. The conversation took place from 16 to 18 o’clock.

In Europe, the regulation for the following year included 0.2 percent of the BBP. First of all, the language was worth 1.2 million euros, and the Monitoring Committee was worth 800 million euros per month. He is woken up with the need to regrow something.


For the last week, the piste was on the overwinstbelasting on main banks in the Voeren. The amount is 600 million euros in the living room, the CD&V vice-premier Vincent Van Peteghem also has the right to pay the winnings of the banks to the spaarders, in the form of a higher pension, in places near the top.


Another slope on the left side is the difference between the effects and the gap between the rivers. This is a annual payment of 0.15 percent on an effect recognition with a water value of 1 million euros. This is good for a cost of about 400 million euros. Bij de PS valt te horen dat a verdrievoudiging van dat tariff goed zou zijn voor 800 miljoen euros extra inkomsten, en verviervoudiging ran 1.2 miljard euros.


In addition to the green lines, there are also a few higher inscheping staks (flying poles) and the ones in the buildings are also higher than those in the mountains. Open VLD lanceerde gisteren het voorstel om de btw op sloop en heropbouw definitief op 6 percent vast te klikken. Also CD&V is a price from the publisher of 21 to 6 percent.
