BEFORE AND AFTER. Satellite images show destruction of Mariupol after Russian bombing | War Ukraine and Russia

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The situation in Mariupol is critical. More than 200,000 of the 430,000 inhabitants are trapped in the city and unable to flee. Since the city is constantly under fire, evacuations are hardly possible. The residents, who take shelter in cellars, no longer have sufficient water, gas, electricity and means of communication.

Rewatch: Russian tanks shell residential block in Mariupol

More than 1,500 Mariupol residents are said to have died so far since the start of the Russian invasion. The inhabitants of the city are forced to bury the victims in mass graves, but the constant bombardments now make it often too dangerous to go outside and give victims a final resting place.

Satellite photos show how badly the city has been destroyed as a result of the Russian attacks.

Drag the arrow to see the before and after images.
