Beesel gets the same coalition of three parties | 1Limburg

The municipality of Beesel will again receive a coalition of CDA, Responsible Local Politics (VLP) and Beeselse List. Together, these parties account for 12 of the 15 seats in the municipal council.

The three have also formed the coalition for the past four years.

The fact that they will continue together is in accordance with the advice of public policy explorer Petra Habets. She did think that the parties should make better mutual agreements to avoid tensions such as the previous term of office.

Also read: Explorer Beesel: continue with existing coalition

According to the three parties, that is what happened. Party leader and councilor Anouk Huijs of the CDA says that her party has focused on a broad coalition from the start. “That requires that you can step over your own shadow. In this way we build involvement for and with our community,” says Huijs.

Do things differently
Party chairman and party leader Jan Hendriks of VLP indicates that his party is also happy with the step to continue together. “We have looked critically in the mirror together and expressed that we are going to approach things differently,” says Hendriks.

Alderman and party leader Marcel Roelofs of Beeselse List is also on the same page. “After a period of a marriage of convenience, we are now building on a decisive and more decisive board,” says Roelofs.

coalition agreement
The three parties will now work on a final coalition agreement and on a distribution of alderman posts. The intention is that the new council will be installed on 30 May and the agreement will then also be officially approved.

In the elections, the CDA remained the same with five seats. VLP dropped from five to four seats and Beeselse List retained its three seats. The progressive list Samen Verder went from two to three seats. But just like the previous term of office, the party ends up in opposition.
