Beelden tonen hoe truck driver 6 kilometers with surging vans door tunnel rijdt om ramp te voorkomen | Buitenland

A Poolse truck driver (41) has heroic toeren uitgehaald in Germany. This is not the case in the slaagde om in a tunnel and a fire on the walls of the blouses, the head of the man is cool and the rear of the building. Hij raasde not zes kilometer voort alvorens, buiten de tunnel, zijn truck te stop. The German policy shows that there is a ramp that is coming forward.

The ongelooflijke incident from the following ‘Die Welt’ was placed in the longest traffic tunnel in Germany. The Rennsteig Tunnel on the A71 in Thuringia is 8 kilometers long. After a tweetal kilometer the chauffeur of a car transport noticed that he brand was ontstaan ​​in a van zijn bands.

The 41-year-old pool stopped a truck, was placed on a test surface with a firebrand from the flames and the lijf. There is no fire in the blouses, there is an alarm via a noodoproepknop in the tunnel.

Actie film

The man really has a huge amount of space to see quickly. Daarop besloot, alsof his hero in an actiefilm was, om terug after het stuur te kruipen. There was a distance of 6 kilometers from the door of the tunnel, the fire steeds were larger and the cars were also in the back of the truck in Lichterlaaie.

Hij slaagde it is not in the inside of the tunnel the areas, for the truck to be completely destroyed by the flames. “Letterlijk op de laatste seconde kon hij de tunnel uitrijden zijn truck parkeren”, aldus de politie van Thuringia. Then the brandweer began to meet the blouse works.

“Thank you, Poolse hero!”

“He was absolutely a juiste beslissing van de bestuurder om door te rijden, differently the brand had larger proportions adopted,” said a sales expert in ‘Die Welt’. “Thank you, Poolse hero!” reports the association of the transport sector in Thuringia. “Hi there is a ramp coming.” The shame of the brand was worth 250,000 euros. This also had a great voice.

© Geratal Fire Department

Geratal fire department
© Geratal Fire Department
