Beelden tonen chaos on beach Gaza-stad tijdens levering hulpgoederen door VN | Conflict Israel-Palestine

A mass of water can be found on the beach of the main town of Gazastrook. It’s never over a levering of flowers, it’s like a lopend vuurtje. In the video’s this is how it was made with the relevant light weight.

Sommige aanwezigen klommen bovendien op de witte auto’s van de Verenigde Naties. Op de Achtergrond is the beautiful city of Duidelijk.

The videos will be made immediately a photographer the ter plekke is. Hij complains about that in the noordelijke deel van de Gazastrook te weinig hulp wordt geleverd. As a result, the Wereldvoedselprogramma (WFP), UNICEF and the Wereldgezondheidsorganatie that it urgently needs to be sent to Gaza via new routes.

“Canteens in Gaza risk the death of their children in the long term, with their grandchildren having a verderop transport vehicle that is clear of traffic,” Aldus Ciny McCain from the WFP. “We risk ontelbare levens with elk uur that we lose.
