Beelden ton paniek in IKEA Shanghai door plotselinge coronasluiting na positieve coronatest van zesjarige jongen | Buitenland

In an IKEA event in the Chinese city of Shanghai, there were chaotic panels that talked about the authoritative plotting of the building after the sluiten na a coronabesmetting. Nobody liked him more out of in.

Yorick Dupon

15 Aug 2022

Latest update:
15-08-22, 22:04

ANP, Bloomberg, Shanghai Daily, Twitter

The authoritarian authorities are responsible for the quarantine of two days after it was known that a person in contact was aware of the fact that during the past few years the positive test had been carried out on the coronavirus.

Het nieuws over de plotselinge lockdown zorgde ervoor dat bezoekers op de vlucht sloegen en schreeuwden in een poging het built te verlaten voordat de deuren op slot go. That is what is meant by the results of the project are planned for China’s social network Weibo, which must also be used. De belden kwamen later wel op Twitter terecht. A group of slaagde erin keepers way te duwen en een deur open te krijgen.

Swords that can’t get away will be taken to the quarantine center by their guards, and they’ll report it. He zijn ondertussen 396 next contacts van de zesjarige opgespoord. A total of 80,000 people would like PCR tests to be carried out. That’s what the official ‘Shanghai Daily’ says.

Anywhere Ikea and other areas met, there are two days to be in quarantine and then there are gezondheidstoezicht to be made, according to Zhao Dandan, adjunct-director of the Shanghai Gezondheidscommissie, in a briefing on the day. IKEA confirmed in a mededeling that the corner in Shanghai 14 and 15 August was scheduled to open on Tuesday. That writes persagentschap Bloomberg.

Traumatic flits lockdowns

The 25 million residents of Shanghai are now aware of the current state of lockdown. During that time, we would not like to know for a long time what the traumatic experience was.

The current flit lockdowns have been announced as part of China’s Covid Zero strategy. Ze hebben al sorry dead talloze scenes van paniek in het hele land, bijvoorbeeld op het vakantie-eiland Hainan en in other big cities. Mensen klauterden over hekken and sprongen uit kantoortorens uit angst plotseling opgesloten te zijn.

CEO Pfizer tests positive for corona

Why shouldn’t the two of them be considered in the absence of other groups of corona? (+)

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Op beelden gedeeld op Chinees sociaal netwerk Weibo is te zien hoe mensen the een IKEA corner in Shanghai will verlaten tevergeefs been tegengehouden. © rv
