Beelden ton moment waarop experiment helemaal fout loopt: 18 won by explosie op Spaans wetenschapsfestival | Nieuws

When there was an explosion at a competition festival at the University of Girona in Spain, 18 people were born, but how the children had to be 3 and 13 years old. He is said to have lost two words.

The explosion took place in the Catalaanse city of Girona, one kilometer north-east of Barcelona. In the local Huis van de Cultuur liep het mis tijdens een experiment in the kader van een festival van de universiteit van Girona, so report Spaanse media zaterdag op Basis van de overheden en Zikenhuiswoordvoerders. A metal packaging with a high level of static protection for a publication of 200 to 300 people, in a number of families. The wounds lay in fire wounds op, the most raakten wound by pieces of metal jerrycan the exploding earth.

A vijfjarig meisje is he het ergst aan toe. Ze was treated in a ziekenhuis in Girona, not like four others. He started with children from 10 and 12 years, a 47-year-old man and a 31-year-old man. The other dertien will be given for the first day of the day reeds het ziekenhuis.


A word from the university declared that the experiment met many stikstof vele paint problems that came up. Het is “onbegrijpelijk” hoe het ongeval kon geuberen. The Catalaanse politie has started a separate project, it still sounds.

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