bedrijf wil ‘zeer betaalbare prizes’

Het Roemeense telecombedrijf DIGI wordt a new mobile operator on the Belgian market, on Telenet, Orange and Proximus. DIGI Communications has herefore a same working order with the West-Vlaamse Citymesh, a additional requirement of IT-Onderneing Cegeka. Citymesh zal zich op the zakelijke market concentrateren, DIGI op the consumer market. Both operators have their own market strategy.

The komst van DIGI zal for sea concurrentie zorgen op the consumer market. De Roemeense speler gives alvast “zeer betaalbare prijzen” aan. DIGI is also active in Roemenië, Spanje, Italy and Portugal, in a height of 18.7 million people. The needs of the previous year were for a total of 1.5 million euros and there were 19,000 people in the team.

‘Best 4G/5G network in het country’

With most of the halen uit the extra spectrum dat Citymesh and DIGI raised, it should have been realized in the following years in the following dozens of telecom sites. A high-performing dekking van stadscentra maar also spoor- en snelweginfrastructuur would like a spearpoint in het verhaal been. “The combined building of the new network is to ensure that there is energy and cost-efficiency in use, what is needed in the maatschappij and in the right order, het says.

“Ons doel is om het best, most performant 4G/5G network in het country te Bouwen. Doors are being transported with a clear view of the possibility of the start being made of the technological progress of 5G and we can optimally plan the implementation,” says Mitch De Geest, CEO of Citymesh.

Citymesh is a Belgian property built in Oostkamp. Het bedrijf opgericht by three Blankenbergenaars – and like the CEO Mitch De Geest – the hun project ooit started in hun tuinhuis. Citymesh delivers now Zakelijke, mobiele netwerken, onder Meer voor de Luchthaven in Zaventem, en gaat dat also in de Toekomst dus also blijven doen terwijl zich helemaal toespitst op de Belgische consumer market.

Digital inhalation movement

The Minister of Telecommunications, Petra De Sutter (Groen), said that he would not be able to play in the telecom landscape before he could consume it. “Meer concurrentie kan de sleutel zijn naar lagere telecomtarieven. The prices in Belgium include surfing on the internet, telephoning and watching tv now from the top of Europe,” he says in a personal report.

Daarnaast brought the veiling de federale overheid zowat 1.2 million euros op, a piece of sea dan de guarded 800 million. “We can use the extra income if we make a digital movement of the contents”, Aldus De Sutter. “Belgium is now working in Europe as well as het gaat over 5G. We used a deel van de Inkomsten from deze rear stand met de Buurlanden in the hall by 5G-toepassingen te subsidiëren. Op the manner we improve and stimulate technological innovation in Belgium.”

De Sutter is verder tevreden that he in ons land alone is not op super fast internet. “The dossier lay in the style of a contract for one negotiation over the processing of the most important tussen de federal overheid en de municipal councils. Door de komst van de Vierde speler kan nu really speak van een doorbraak”, het clicks. Ze bendrukt verder that de uitrol van 5G not even within little maanden start.
