Bedrijf Achter TikTok is, according to Bloomberg, 250 million euros worth | Nieuws

Volgens ingewijden will ByteDance for 5 miljard dollars aan aandelen van investeerders terugkopen. The price is 160 dollars per dollar. On the basis of the word ByteDance was paid for 268 million dollars, Aldus Bloomberg. The niet-beursgenoteerde ByteDance is responsible for the army to the largest demand from China. ByteDance is planning to start a career.

The large production of ByteDance is in stock at around 300 million dollars and will be available in 2022. In 2021 it still went from 300 billion to 400 billion dollars.

KIJK. Mensen op TikTok bestrijden verkoudheid met…

KIJK. Ellie Goulding can’t laugh inside the TikTok trend
