Become more efficient in the company – that’s how it works

Plan the daily routine in advance

There are often more tasks than can be dealt with in a single working day. One way to counteract potential overwhelm is to follow the concept from David Allen, author of the Getting Things Done guide. This states that all tasks should be recorded and then sorted according to their urgency so that the order of processing can be seen at a glance. Tasks that have a high priority and can be completed in a short amount of time should be completed first to free your mind for tasks that take longer to complete.

Digitize document management

The filing and archiving of important documents and correspondence in paper form is still the proven method of many companies today. However, this is accompanied by high expenses for office supplies and storage space. Switching from analogue to digital document management not only saves costs, but also protects the environment.

Use sample documents

“” recommends developing templates for documents that are used frequently. Minor adjustments are usually sufficient for the next use. If you often have to create presentations, it makes sense to configure a standard presentation with a company logo and a rough structure so that you only have to fill it in next time.

Make the workplace minimalist

Furthermore, one should not waste time looking for notes and misplaced documents. Therefore, the desk should be tidied up every evening to minimize the search effort for the next day. This usually only takes a few minutes, but saves a lot of searching time the following day. This principle also applies to the PC – overflowing mailboxes and desktop backgrounds that can no longer be recognized from the sheer files cost valuable working time. Instead, you should create clear folder structures and avoid any form of excess.

Pay attention to your own communication style

In addition, one should consciously reflect on the usual communication processes. Large emails are often the preferred way to clarify concerns. However, an exchange of letters often takes more time than the direct route over the phone. A phone call is often enough to discuss matters in one go. However, if the written way is preferred, short, concise formulations can pay off. The easier it is to understand an e-mail, the fewer queries you will receive in the further course of the communication and the desired result will be achieved more quickly.

Inna Warkus / Editor

Image sources: fotohunter /, nd3000 /
