Become a marketing and digital transformation manager in Bordeaux, Lille, Lyon, Paris

Having digital skills is essential today to integrate into the job market. Indeed, both start-ups and large companies are looking for employees capable of understanding marketing analysis, mastering social networks and managing an e-reputation. This is particularly the case in a context like this, where companies are accelerating their digital transformation.

On Friday May 13, 2022 at 12:30 p.m., EFAP, the School of New Communication Professions, organizes a webinar addressing this theme.

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Video streaming ad spend grew 57% in 2021

She will come back to the importance of having marketing and digital communication skills to boost your employability in big cities like Bordeaux, Lille, Lyon and Paris.


The importance of marketing and communication in digitalization

In two years, the pandemic has pushed companies in multiple sectors to make a change that, initially, should have taken place over a much longer period: digitalization. According to a study carried out in 2020 by the cloud communication software publisher Twilio, the health crisis has enabled France to gain more than six years in advance on their digital transformation. This was possible thanks to tools such as data, the cloud as well as marketing and digital communication. From now on, the objective is to continue the digitization of working methods, interaction with customers or the experiences offered.

To do this, companies call on versatile profiles, capable of understanding the challenges of the digital economy, inbound marketing, digital project management, etc. These are all elements that are covered in the Specialized MBAs in Digital Marketing & Business. EFAP part-time. During this conference, the speakers will come back to the skills required to find a place in these companies in full transformation.

Here are the four main themes of this webinar of May 13, 2022 :

  • How did Covid-19 tip us into the Next Economy? ;
  • What essential business skills in Marketing/Com? ;
  • What soft skills are essential in this sector? ;
  • What role for the network and the local ecosystem in the digital world?


Find out how to increase your employability

To address these topics, three specialists will participate in this round table:

  • Vincent Montet, Founder-Director of DMB MBAs and Vice-President of the Digital Economy Association (ACSEL);
  • Sophie Guignier, Deputy Director of DMB MBAs;
  • Arnault Chatel, Pedagogical Manager of MBA DMB.

The experts will discuss in detail the key role of marketing and digital communication in the development of companies undergoing digital transformation. Mastering these two disciplines can open the door to new professions, but also to managerial positions in sectors such as distribution, luxury, the media, pharmaceuticals or even industry.

For the participants, this webinar is an opportunity to learn more about the shift that their professional career could take, and the role that the EFAP’s Specialized MBA Digital Marketing & Business has to play in it.

The speakers will come back to the characteristics of this training, ranked 2nd in the ranking of the best MBAs and Digital Marketing and e-Business Masters of the Eduniversal 2022 ranking. The training is aimed at professionals in retraining as well as students at the end of their curriculum. Indeed its part-time format (3 to 4 days of lessons per month) is compatible with a professional activity. The MBA allows you to acquire essential knowledge today on customer marketing, blockchain, web and mobile advertising… To find out more and improve your employability on the Bordeaux, Lille, Paris and Lyon market, don’t forget to register for this webinar.

