“Beckham: save our team”

★★★★ Disney+ premiered the docuseries “Save our squad” a British production that follows David Beckham, undoubtedly English soccer royalty and former Manchester United star, as he returns to his roots, in the East London, to guide the Westward Boys, a team of teenagers struggling to get out of the bottom of their league.

The four-episode consignment, directed by Sean Doyle, opens with close-ups of the sportsman’s handsome face as he recounts his early experiences, interspersed with footage from matches played in his glory days. The plan is for him to work with the demoralized guys, because they haven’t won a game since being promoted to the Echo League and see relegation to the previous league very possible.

Your job as a mentor is to teach them the need for teamwork, sacrifice, and dedication to avoid relegation. Thus, we see in the retired player a trained observer who did his homework and even has photos of each one with their names written below to locate and remember them.

After their most recent defeat, and a sad rebuke from their coach, Ade Abayomi, about the likely outcome if they don’t improve their performances, he announces to the affected youngsters that he is bringing someone to help them. The renowned soccer player walks slowly down the corridor towards the locker room, and upon seeing him, the faces of the novice players light up and their eyes widen.

Beckham mutters endless platitudes on camera about how it’s all about boosting self-confidence, self-esteem and “being there” for each other, as if only sportsmanship, discipline, drive and determination. real practice will not suffice for the game. But the proposal prospers and interests when he is inside the field and among them while they train. It’s engaging to see his charm and grace as he works on their abilities, encourages strengths, and gradually advises them how to mitigate their weaknesses.

The soccer star admits in the miniseries that being a coach is something that is out of his comfort zone. But he becomes an instructor, godfather, and most importantly, the boys’ best friend, excelling in each of these roles. One thing we will check for sure is that David is a sympathetic guide. His conversations with the little ones, the way he recognizes talent, each different temperament and personalities, show how loving a father must be to his children.

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