Becker new Rune coach

The six-time Slam champion, former coach of Djokovic, has decided to support the Dane at least until the Finals: “Then, we will sit down to decide the future”

Federica Cocchi

So it’s official: Boris Becker will be Holger Rune’s new coach. The Dane, number 6 in the world ranking, who ended his collaboration with Patrick Mouratoglou, will begin working with the former number 1, champion of 6 Slams and as many as Novak Djokovic’s super coach. The two will immediately begin to work together at the Basel tournament where, back permitting, the 20-year-old Dane will be on the field to consolidate his position in the Race for the Finals where he is currently number 6. Becker had anticipated a few days ago at the Sports Festival that he would have liked to return to coaching: “I met Holger and his mother when he was 15 or 16. I was with Djokovic at the Finals and Rune sparred for us. We always stayed in touch, and in the end they asked me if I wanted to coach him We will be together until the end of the season, then we will sit at a table and decide about the future.”

Becker already has clear ideas about what to do with the Danish talent: “Holger is a rough diamond that just needs to be polished. I also like his outbursts on the court, I coached Djokovic who had similar moments during matches, and that’s fine, yes can do. But the point is: how long does it take you to regain your attention and focus on the match? It’s not just a question of sending your mother away from the stands but of winning a match. I love tennis and when one of the most promising 20-year-olds in the circuit asks you to train it, well how can you say no if you love this sport?”.


At the Festival, Boris spoke about his idea of ​​the role of coach, which must almost be part of the family: “The first thing to look at is why a match is won or lost? For example, when Holger went to China, with which motivation went there. To get through a round to go home with the trophy? These are issues that need to be analysed, that need to sit down and talk about. I have some ideas on what can be improved, and it starts with the mentality, the attitude” .
